



曾文(Wen Zeng)


副教授(Associate Professor)










曾文,女,副教授,博士后,博士生导师,IEEE会员,IEEE工科女性会员,英国华人教授学会会员、英国高等教育学院会员 (British High Education AcademyFellow)2023年加入上海第二工业大学,并获得上海市海外人才计划 -- 白玉兰青年项目,担任江苏嘉擎信息技术有限公司研发技术顾问

201410月毕业于英国纽卡斯尔大学(Newcastle University)计算机学院,获博士学位,师从Petri nets国际指导委员会主席Maciej Koutny 教授20142016, 留校担任博士后研究员,在件可靠性研发中心Brian Randell教授(软件工程的定义者、系统可靠性的创始成员、英国院士、图灵奖委员会前主席、约翰诺依曼奖章创始人之一)和Maciej Koutny 教授从事博士后研究工作2017年至2022年,在英国德蒙福特大学 (De Montfort University) 担任信息安全专业高级讲师(终身教职、硕士生导师、博士生导师)。2023年担任上海第二工业大学副教授,同时也是德蒙福特大学高级荣誉研究员(Honorary Senior Research Fellow, 纽卡斯尔大学客座员工(Guest Member of Staff)。


Dr. Wen Zeng is an Associate Professor in the School of Computer and Information Engineering at Shanghai Polytechnic University. She was awarded Youth Project in the Shanghai Magnolia Talent Program in June 2023.  She is an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at De Montfort University, U.K., and a Guest Member of Staff at Newcastle University, U.K. Meanwhile, she was a research and development consultant for Jiangsu Jiaqing Information Technology Co., Ltd.

She received her PhD on“Quantitative Analysis of Distributed Systems” in 2014 from Newcastle University The 4th strongest University in the U.K. for the researchunder the supervision of Professor Maciej Koutry. After that, she became a Post-doc Research Associate at Newcastle University working with Professor Brain Randell (one of the top research investigators in the world) and Maciej Koutny. In 2017, she joined the School of Computer Science and Informatics at De Montfort University to work as a Tenured Senior Lecturer in Cybersecurity.

Her current research interests centre on system design and optimization, including distributed systems, the Internet of Things with Cloud computing systems, information flow, Cybersecurity, data privacy and risk management, and big data.

She published 16 journals and 18 conference papers. She is the project investigator (PI) on several funding bids. She teaches courses related to computer security, software engineering, web development technologies, and applied mathematics.




· Vasileios Germanos and Wen Zeng, “Model-based risk assessment evaluation”. Security and Privacy, Volume 5, Issue 5, September/October, Page 1-12, 2022.

· Wen Zeng and Maciej Koutny,“Quantitative analysis of opacity in cloud computing systems”. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC), Volume 9, Issue 3, Pages 1210-1219, 2021.

· Wen Zeng and Maciej Koutny,“Modelling and analysis of corporate efficiency and productivity loss associated with enterprise information security technologies”. Elsevier Journal of Information Security and Application, Volume 49, Pages 1-11, December 2019.

· Wen Zeng,“A methodology for cost-benefit analysis of information security technologies”. In Journal of Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Volume 31, Issue 7, Pages 1-12, 2019.

· Wen Zeng, Maciej Koutny, Paul Watson, and Vasileios Germanos,“Formal verification of secure information flow in cloud computing”. In special issue on security and privacy in cloud computing, Elsevier Journal of Information Security and Applications, Volume 27-28, April – May 2016, Pages: 103-116, 2016.



 Wen Zeng, Nicholas Kit Lam Wan, Vasileios Germanos, Yuqi Jia, Leandros Maglaras, Carlos Molina--Jimenez, An IoT Architecture for Enhancing Safety in Supply Chain Systems. In the 24th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2024), 20-22 September 2024.

 Wen Zeng, Wenxuan Wang, Yu Qi, Bofeng Zhang, Carlos Molina--Jimenez, Design and Implementation of a Desktop Cloud System for Multinational Corporations Operating in the Yangtze River Delta Region. In the 24th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2024), 20-22 September 2024. (该文章基于Yu Qi 的本科毕业论文, EI检索)

 Wen Zeng, Haydar A. Jawad, Wenxuan Wang, Vasileios Germanos, Francois Siewe, Carlos Molina--Jimenez, Predicting Illnesses from Medical Sensors Readings using Artificial Intelligence Model. In the 24th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2024), 20-22 September 2024.

 Francois Siewe, Vasileios Germanos, and Wen Zeng, Analyzing Petri Nets in a Calculus of Context-aware Ambients. In IEEE 44th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), Pages 1647-1652, 13-17 July 2020.

 Wen Zeng and Vasileios Germanos, Quantitative Reaction Systems. In IEEE International Workshop on Petri Nets and Software Engineering (PNSE), Pages 216-217, June 2020.